On Christmas Eve we went over to Nana Deb's house for dinner....however Miss Melynn was not in the best of moods but found comfort in the arms of her Uncle Matt.....that was the only time she wasn't cranky or squirmy....thank you Matt! Christmas Day we woke up to Bad Mood Melynn as well she had little interest in her toys from Santa & just wanted to lay on Momma or Daddy. She was running a fever & I was worried her 1st Christmas was going to be spent at home.... we decided to go ahead over to Papaws & Nana Pam's for breakfast where her mood changed & we thought the day might actually get better. Boy were we wrong we went back over to Nana Deb's where Bad Mood Melynn reared her ugly head again.....and it continued over to Aunt Bubba's house for dinner. Needless to say Melynn's 1st actual Christmas was a bust for her but we enjoyed spending time with everyone....hopefully they enjoyed it just as much with us despite our cranky baby.
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