Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Here are a few pictures from Melynn's Birthday weekend. My favorite is the tea party with Daddy. Its amazing what a man will do for his child & I didn't even provoke him! He is truly a great daddy! The pic where she is in the stroller will not happen again she got in & Andy decided to push her around in it...she looks very comfortable though. And she loves cards...I think she must see them as little books. Regardless she loves to tear the envelopes open & find the cards inside. She wanted to open the cards more than her gifts. Go figure.

Melynn's 1st Birthday!

As most of you know...bc some of you were here for the throw down we had........ Melynn's 1st Birthday was this past weekend. Nana Deb was gracious enough to let us use her clubhouse for our shindig. Melynn was in a great mood & dazzled everyone to the best of her ability. She received many gifts & we are reminded that we are so blessed to have such a wonderful loving immediate & extended family in our lives. Devon & I made 117 cupcakes ( yes we counted) & Aunt D made one gigantic cupcake for her niece to rip into even though I put so much icing on it she never quite reached the actual cake part. The pictures above are just a few from the great weekend we all had together. Melynn's 1 shirt is courtesy of Carey Haney ( Jitterberries) she does such wonderful work. You should google her & get your favorite little one a too cute happy to wear! She has a dress made by Carey too I'll post a pic of that one soon. The less than thrilled pic is before we gave her the cake, I just love her expression. Classic. The other pic is of her digging into her cake (icing) and leaning to the side I don't know what it is about that high chair but everytime she sits in it ( when we go to the Mannings) she does that. We go today for her check up & I'll give you all the stats on Miss Melynn soon. Until then I'll post a few more pics. Wish you all could have been here to celebrate but you were all on our minds! Love to you!