Melynn had her 4mth check up on June 23rd. She is now weighing in at 13lbs 14oz. , 25& 1/2 inches long! We also got the go ahead to start rice cereal from the bowl & stage 1 foods! Our chunky monkey is going to get chunkier!! I'm sure we'll have more pictures of that fun event soon! But she is doing great & growing faster than we can keep up. Our little girl is not so little anymore. For a recap over the last 4mths, she has discovered her hands & feet, can hold her head up by herself, flips over to her tummy from her back, is trying some sort of GI Jane move to scoot herself across the floor, laughs when you hit the right spots & now will talk to you when you speak to her! She is not a very cranky baby unless you don't fix her bottle fast enough or wake her up from a nap to early..... FYI it is rough! She is starting to sleep in her bassinet the whole night without little trips into Mommy & Daddy's bed.... ( although I do love cuddling with her) soon we'll transition her to her crib bc she's almost too big for the bassinet. All in all we are so lucky for our 1st child to be such a happy baby. We are truly blessed to have her in lives! Stayed tuned for her feeding pics.... and check out the posts below too. We love you guys & thanks for keeping up with Melynn!
Well folks it only took 4mths & alot of pressure but Jeff finally held Melynn! He said he wouldn't hold her until she could hold her head up & wasn't so "breakable". Little does he know what he's gotten himself into!!
Miss Melynn turned 4mths on the 19th! I can't believe how much time has flown by & how much she is grown. I know I'm biased but I've got a very cute baby!! Happy 4mths my little Girl!!
June 21st was Andy's 1st Father's Day. We spent the day with his mom then made a trip out to Papaw's farm for a cookout. We sweated our booty's off that evening, but had so much fun with the family. The 1st picture is of all the Boles men & little Melynn. Following that Papaw the Great is letting Melynn naw on his hand..... probably won't let that happen to long once those sharp shark teeth start coming in. The last one is just a pic of Papaw the Great & Melynn just rockin on the back porch..... see his grin!
We have made a new discovery folks! We have found our toes! Everytime she is either waking up or just laying around she pulls those little cute feet up & checks to make sure they are there. They have quite made it to her mouth yet, her buddha belly probably blocks the way!
Andy & I met back in 2001 in a land far, far away called Kentucky. Not to long after that...we were married. In 2008 we were surprised to find out that we were expecting our first child, Charlotte Melynn. We set this up so our family & friends can keep in contact with our new addition.