Todays Doctors Appointment
I have great news, Melynn has gained 1lb & 3 oz since our last appointment so we are now at 7lbs 6ozs!! I have a little fatty on my hands! All her other measurements are fine, with the exception of her head measurements. Some of you may already know that they have been monitoring her fontanel on the back of her head, normally this is smaller than the soft spot on the top of a baby's head, however in our case Melynn's is the same as her soft spot which causes concern, just concern at this point nothing that we're told to worry about they just want to make sure everythings ok with our fatty mcfattelton..... so with that we are all making a trip to Vanderbilt's Children's Hospital to visit those fine folks & get our little ones head scanned. They are going to put that nasty gel that all pregnant women love & get pretty close with during pregnancy on her head & do an ultrasound to check her out. I'll post again once we go on Friday to let you know how things are, I'm sure she's perfectly fine, but keep us in your thoughts!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago