Back to the Drawing board!
Well I went back to the doctor today for another ultrasound/ exam. Melynn did well on her BPP test which is similiar to the APGAR test when the baby is born. The reason we're in this situation is bc she didn't do so well on her test this past Tuesday the 3rd.
So for now she will stay put, I'll continue to go & have her checked via ultrasound/exam twice a week for the remainder of my pregnancy. If she doesn't decide to come on her own we have been scheduled to be induced on the 18th. Technically that is only 3 more appointments, I doubt she is going to come out on her own. She seems to be very stubborn. I keep telling myself as long as she's healthy thats all that matters, however I'm very OVER this pregnancy. If anyone has any suggestions let me know I'll try anything, well anything within reason, lets not get crazy.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago