Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well today we mark our 1st week as a family. It has definitely been interesting from the moment we got home. Dobber, our syberian husky is doing well with Melynn occasionally sniffing her, & always curious when she makes a noise.
Our first night home wasn't bad, however it took some getting used to. Andy's mom (Lulu) stayed with us along with visits from Uncle Jeff & Uncle Matt. On Sunday, my mom ( Mimi) came to stay with us for a few days.
Monday, the 23rd started our whirlwind of events, along with Melynn's first doctors appt, Andy pulled a muscle bending over too much & my grandparents were in a wreck leaving our house. They both are ok, Grandaddy broke his arm & Grandmother is shook up but doing well.
Tuesday, the 24th Papaw, Nanna Pam, & Uncle Jeff came for a visit along with some Bar-B-Que.
Melynn's days & nights are of course messed up at the moment so I'm getting tons of sleep. TOTAL EXAGGERATION! But we're all hangin in there.
We can't wait for everyone to meet her, I will post pics when I can & we will visit everyone as soon as we can or whenever we get this thing down pat..... which I don't know if you ever really do.

Hugs & Kisses from Melynn!

Momma & I sleep like this alot.

Like Nurse Kate said, "like a burrito"
My 1st Bath!

Daddy giving me my 1st sponge bath! I was ok at this point.

Still going ok.......just in a little shock.

Momma wraps me up in my towel & this is where I get mad! Special thanks to Aunt Becky for my awesome towel!

My First Doctors Appointment!

Melynn's 1st doctors appointment went great. She has gained back 2 & 1/2 ounces & continues to do well. We go back in 2 weeks!

Ridin over to the doctors office

Daddy taking good care of me....

Daddy still doting over me..... this is where he hurt his back from bending over so much!

I was so exhausted from all the excitement!
More Pictures.....

Aunt Brandie

Proud Aunt Devon

Andy, Papaw, & Melynn


Andy & I cuttin up before Melynn's arrival

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Here are some pictures of our 1st few days together so far. Melynn's Aunt Devon has a whole lot more that we will post soon. Andy, Melynn, & I would like to thank everyone for coming out to visit or giving us a call filled with well wishes & happiness on our new life together. We appreciate it very much & look forward to sharing our new adventures with all of you!

See you soon!
Going Home!!

Catching flies..... in her 1st car seat ride1

Just put her in. She's asking, " What do I do with my hands? What do I do?"

Who just had a baby??? Who's ready to go home??? ME!!

Melynn & Daddy's 1st Morning together..........everyone was worn out!

Melynn & LuLu

Uncle Matt, Kelly, & Melynn

Right when she first got here!
Melynn Arrives!!

February 19th, 2009 12: 43 pm 6lbs. 5oz 20 & 1/2 inches

This was taken on Friday the 20th, after Lil Bit was full & happy! Up above this post are a few from when she first got here. I like this one bc I actually look somewhat decent & not drugged & teary eyed!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Same Ole Song Different Day!

Well Ladies & Gentlemen,
Today was our last ultrasound/exam, they are now estimating Melynn to be @ 6lbs 12 oz & looking good. I'm still good no change in dilation. So we're scheduled to be induced Wednesday night & hope to meet Melynn sometime Thursday. Keep us in your thoughts, our next post should be with our new baby girl!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What do you do when your 40 weeks & your baby hasn't come yet?
You go to the Country Music Hall of Fame!
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Playin Games....

Another doctors appt/ ultrasound has come & gone today filled with good news & no news ......I was scheduled to go in at 2pm for my ultrasound well almost 3hrs later.....I wasn't given the news I wanted.

Melynn has gained weight which is awesome they are now estimating her to be at 6lbs 5oz, however in terms of dilation or any progress with labor in general we're still in the same boat. He said I'm almost 1cm dilated, but not really bc why would this actually progress like its suppose to, right? Exactly. So I go back next Monday for hopefully my last doctors appt/ultrasound bc I'm still scheduled to be induced on February 18th. I guess when you've come this far whats another 8 days?

This is a picture of my sister, Devon & I. This is after I got into a mad frenzy of cleaning some of my house, it all started with a straw. Also I'm 39 weeks here, yeah thats almost 40 weeks!
This is our furry child, Dobber or popularly known as "Bobber". He thought he was going somewhere....
Pregnant Girls like RockBand!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Back to the Drawing board!

Well I went back to the doctor today for another ultrasound/ exam. Melynn did well on her BPP test which is similiar to the APGAR test when the baby is born. The reason we're in this situation is bc she didn't do so well on her test this past Tuesday the 3rd.

So for now she will stay put, I'll continue to go & have her checked via ultrasound/exam twice a week for the remainder of my pregnancy. If she doesn't decide to come on her own we have been scheduled to be induced on the 18th. Technically that is only 3 more appointments, I doubt she is going to come out on her own. She seems to be very stubborn. I keep telling myself as long as she's healthy thats all that matters, however I'm very OVER this pregnancy. If anyone has any suggestions let me know I'll try anything, well anything within reason, lets not get crazy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Never a dull moment.....

Melynn & I had another appt today, no change... dialation etc.... I wasn't feeling well nausea, sweating, not to mention I had gained 4lbs over the last week! And Melynn wasn't her usual acrobatic self, so my doctor decided to test me for pre-eclampsia & do another ultrasound to check her out. I'll get my bloodwork back in a few days, & Melynn was fine she was moving around however she is a little small, weight wise.
So he wants to monitor her more often, which means more ultrasounds! I go back on Thursday & he'll take a look to see if she's gaining weight & we'll go from there. He is also checking in to see what times are open for me to be induced as well. He doesn't seem to be worried so we're not either just excited & can't wait to meet our baby girl! I will keep everyone in the loop!