Monday, February 9, 2009

Playin Games....

Another doctors appt/ ultrasound has come & gone today filled with good news & no news ......I was scheduled to go in at 2pm for my ultrasound well almost 3hrs later.....I wasn't given the news I wanted.

Melynn has gained weight which is awesome they are now estimating her to be at 6lbs 5oz, however in terms of dilation or any progress with labor in general we're still in the same boat. He said I'm almost 1cm dilated, but not really bc why would this actually progress like its suppose to, right? Exactly. So I go back next Monday for hopefully my last doctors appt/ultrasound bc I'm still scheduled to be induced on February 18th. I guess when you've come this far whats another 8 days?

This is a picture of my sister, Devon & I. This is after I got into a mad frenzy of cleaning some of my house, it all started with a straw. Also I'm 39 weeks here, yeah thats almost 40 weeks!


Momma P said...

You are SO on the home stretch girlie! I went 40 weeks and 5 days, so be prepared you too may go over:) It's not uncommon with the 1st. Enjoy your last few days of peace and quiet, b/c trust me you life will soon change forever:)

Pam Riggio said...

YAY - another Blog to follow! I can't wait to see/meet Miss Charlotte. The great news is that if you have the cleaning bug, D-day should be very close. I cleaned all my closets and bathroom cabinets out two days before I had Matthew. Enjoy the last few days of peace and quiet. We are trying to plan a trip back to your neck of the woods soon. Pam P.S. Tell Brandie that I haven't forgotten about her - I've been SOOO swamped.