Friday, December 2, 2011

Slacker Post # 2

We have been busy this summer/fall/winter since our last post! We have been to South Carolina & Gulf Shores with family, celebrated Halloween, and stuffed our faces for Thanksgiving yet we still remain constantly on the go with Miss Melynn. She continues to amaze us with all she learns each day.
Recently our Mel was diagnosed with VUR. Which is basically a kidney reflux disease. Of course this does not slow our girl down at all! We are treating with medication & hope that she will grow out of it. I was worried that this might interfere with our potty training...but as always Mel has a trick up her sleeve & decided she was ready to be a big girl & wear panties like Mommy.  We did a potty training boot camp at the beginning of November & haven't looked back. She's had a few accidents & does wear pull ups at night & during nap but that is to be expected. We are so proud of our girl!
Mel's vocabulary continues to expand & she continues to learn more and more.  She can identify her letters & can count. She is very high spirited and definitely has a mind/opinion of her own.  At times this can be very trying but we do our best to keep her in check. Well enough of me chatting I know you all just want to see her...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Catching up!

Yes I understand I have been a huge slacker in keeping up with my blog this summer but if you've seen our schedule trust me the last thing on my mind is blogging...our munchkin has kept us on our toes & we've kept her on the road!
Melynn now has an extensive vocabulary & from what I hear speaks pretty well for her age...she can say her ABC's, count to 10, knows her colors, and is learning her shapes. I feel she's pretty smart...bc she can break out of the house, climb on anything, and manages to defy gravity every waking moment of her life. We moved her into a big girl bed the first of June & she continues to do well despite the fact that the fear of God we put into her when we first set it up about getting out without calling us first has now faded a distant dream....shes like a little ninja when she gets out of bed. I'm waiting for the night when I'm in bed asleep & she comes to my side to wake me up....lets just say it won't be pretty.
She loves to be outside but becomes a puddle of sweat 5 mins after we're out. Sidewalk chalk & bubbles are a huge hit at this house. We're still working with her on her bike...she has the mini coupe & the inch worm down pat though.
Melynn is getting better with the water & getting more adventurous. We bought her some swimmies & she seems to do very well with those. I'm hoping shes more into it when we hit the beach up in September.
I can't promise I will do better but I will try...hope you enjoy the pics...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Here is one of the latest pics of baby girl. She doesn't sit still for long just to get this picture I had to promise the world...or maybe a gummy. Her vocabulary continues to expand each day & she learns new ways to get in trouble as well. We definitely have to keep our eyes on this little animal.
She is growing rapidly & continues to show a little interest in potty training but not enough to really go at it quite yet. Pretty soon we will transfer her to a big girl bed & the fun will start! As for now she wows us with her songs & entertains us with the random things that come out of her mouth. We are looking forward to a great summer with new adventures with Melynn.

Huntin Eggs with Duke

We went out to Chattanooga to visit with my family. My Aunt has a dog named Duke that felt the need to help Melynn with her egg hunting skills. I didn't really realize until I was looking at the pictures that he was in almost everyone making sure she didn't leave anything behind.