Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Here is one of the latest pics of baby girl. She doesn't sit still for long just to get this picture I had to promise the world...or maybe a gummy. Her vocabulary continues to expand each day & she learns new ways to get in trouble as well. We definitely have to keep our eyes on this little animal.
She is growing rapidly & continues to show a little interest in potty training but not enough to really go at it quite yet. Pretty soon we will transfer her to a big girl bed & the fun will start! As for now she wows us with her songs & entertains us with the random things that come out of her mouth. We are looking forward to a great summer with new adventures with Melynn.

Huntin Eggs with Duke

We went out to Chattanooga to visit with my family. My Aunt has a dog named Duke that felt the need to help Melynn with her egg hunting skills. I didn't really realize until I was looking at the pictures that he was in almost everyone making sure she didn't leave anything behind.