Sunday, May 17, 2009

Well I know it's been a while!

Melynn is growing so fast! She will be 3mths old on Tuesday & makin new discoveries every day. She has now discovered her hands ( see pics below) & constantly has them in her mouth, I pray that this isn't the beginning of a thumb sucking trend. Fingers crossed!

She also is trying to turn over, usually when she gets angry she trys to swing herself over. It's just a matter of time! She's weighing in at about 10 & 1/2 lbs so as you can see from her pictures.... still a fatty which is just more for us to enjoy. Her sleeping pattern is pretty good she usually goes down between 7&8pm & will stay asleep till about 1230am or so. She has a weird habit of waking up at 3 but usually goes back to sleep with a little help from her pacifier. She loves to sleep on her stomach,but we still have her sleeping on her back at night.

I had my first Mothers Day with Melynn & Andy enjoying every bit of it and received lots of well wishes from everyone! Thank you so much!I've also stopped nursing & we put Melynn on formula. She's been on a mixture for a while & is doing great. I honestly don't think the child cares as long as she's fed. So far we're not having any issues aside from a little constipation.

Melynn is still doing well in daycare & the ladies there take great care of her. She's very good for them, which I hear about all the time. I couldn't be happier.

I will do my best not to wait so long about posts in the future. I will post some 3mth pictures soon!

Making faces with Aunt Devon

Crashed out like a little frog....

This is her fairy skirt that Nonna Jenny got for her.

This is your baby...... on a natural high

Melynn & Mom on Mothers Day

Sorry I don't know how to rotate the picture once it's on here. I'll try not to let it happen again.

I thought this picture was hilliarious..... Not everyone will.....she's on the back of the couch
Here are some pictures of Melynn & her most of them it looks like Andy is having more fun!

Here is a montage of Melynn sucking her fingers she has discovered them & there ain't no going back now!

yep, she's gagging herself!