Monday, March 8, 2010


Melynn vistited the doctor a while back & is growing like a weed! She weighs in at 21.9lbs & is between 31 & 32 inches tall! This is a long way from our little 6.5lbs one year ago! She is trying to talk & learn sign language. She's got the sign for milk down & has her own version of more. I think she sometimes says Thank you but its very similiar to blowing kisses so the jury is still out on that one.  In the language category we of course have "Da-da", "Momma" ( doesn't know who I am but can say it. Not to mention I think she calls her paci.."Momma". Awesome) There is "Uh-Oh", and shes trying to say "Milk", but its more of a "Mil"
She sprints all over the place & has seemed to develop some sort of go-go gadget baby arm thing where she can reach everything! Its crazy! She has no concept of "NO" so we're having fun with that & avoiding light sockets. Also the best part is that she is dancing! The music starts playing & her little booty starts a bopping! It is so cute. We laughed so hard the first time she did it!
Another funny thing about Melynn is that she is I guess afraid of least afraid to walk on it. She'll sit down in it & play with it...but will not walk in it. We put her down "standing up" & she freezes. Just stands there and doesn't budge an inch. She'll either stand there & cry or sit down & play with the grass. This one she's clearly ok I'll take some more & show you soon!.