Monday, July 6, 2009

Green Beans & Applesauce

So we started out with Green Beans... she wasn't too impressed.... moved on to Peaches... again nothing.... tried Sweet Potatoes and we got somewhere with those, but not quite. We ventured to Applesauce & Bananas..... not a smile or one of her "I like this" squeeks. So we go back to Sweet Potatoes thinking we had good luck with those the first time.... nope back to square 1..... so we venture on trying to find the food that will peak her interest. Until then here are a few pictures from our adventures..... also the one at the bottom that was after her Green Beans.... apparently we aren't feeding her fast enough.......

1 comment:

Pam Riggio said...

If she likes the rice cereal, mix in the fruit or even the veggies with it to get her used to it.