Sunday, January 9, 2011

Melynns 2nd Christmas

Christmas was very bittersweet this year. By the time Christmas had rolled around we had lost Sam & Papaw this year.  Needless to say we were ready for 2010 to be over with & to get through the holidays quickly. If it wasn't for Melynn to distract us I think we would have been pretty worse off. She had so much fun this year still not knowing about Santa but able to rip into her gifts this year. Had our first white Christmas in 17 years here in Middle Tennessee. Our neck of the woods received a dusting not enough to hold us back from traveling but enough to enjoy the fact we had a White Christmas. Christmas Eve, Pawpaw & Memaw visted on their way to Alabama then on to dinner with Nanna Deb, then Christmas Morning we had breakfast with the guys like we have done in previous years with Sam, then on to Nanna Debs, & to the Mannings for Christmas Dinner. Our cousins from Atlanta came in the day after Christmas to celebrate then Lulu came in New Years Weekend & then the weekend after we had Christmas with Nanna from Bama, Cissy, & Gigi & Grandaddy. An enormous amount of family I know...but so greatful to have all these wonderful people in our lives. We are anxious to see what 2011 holds for our Boles Family & what new adventures our sweet red head is going to take us on.

Turkey Day

Well I'm a lot late in posting about our Thanksgiving this year...due to procrastination. This was our 1st Thanksgiving without Sam & to be honest it was strange but familiar. Everyone came up to celebrate with us & we had great food as always but missed having him there. The guys gave horse rides to everyone which Melynn is starting to enjoy. Sam would be so proud.