Melynn enjoyed her Easter weekend sooo much! Mainly due to the fact she ate her weight x2 in food this weekend. Saturday morning she & I left for Alabama to visit our family. I most certainly did not forget my camera & only took pics from blackberry that didn't turn out too well..(insert sarcasm). Melynn had her 1st Easter Egg Hunt & picked up on the concept in no time at all. Cissy & Nanna followed her around holding the basket & pointing out eggs so she could put them in her basket. While Nanna cooked a great lunch ( as always) Dava kept Melynn busy toting her around the yard & showing her different things... I was so thankful for her help. This was the first big meal of the weekend for Melynn....people continue to ask me if I feed her...shes a baby trash compactor she just keeps stuffing it in. She loved Nanna's fried do we all. Needless to say she slept all the way home...& woke up hungry again! Go figure.
Sunday we went to church with Mimi & Papaw, Ge-ge & G- Daddy....Andy & I only got to see half of the service due to the fact we were switching off bc Miss Melynn wasn't having it...she would not sit still but what do you expect with a 13mth old. After church we had another great meal courtesy of Mimi & again Melynn ate like she had been starved since birth...she also had her first Easter Bunny cake. Mimi used to make one for Devon & I when we were little & I wanted to continue the tradition with Melynn. And per true Melynn fame tore into it like there was no tomorrow. Then Mimi hide some eggs & again Melynn took to like the champ she is. She also figured out there were cookies in these eggs...and had to stop & eat the cookies before she could proceed to the next.
I couldn't have asked for a better day. Melynn is at an age where everything is so new & great & re-learning things with her is a treat. She is such a great addition to all our lives & we are so blessed to have her.