Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well I went back to the doctor today, no change. I'm still 50% effaced & with child. I go back next week, to get checked out again & hopefully..... cross your fingers some progress will be made. I finally have my bag & Melynn's bag packed. Now we'll see how long it takes me to put it in the car..... and We're ready! We just need something to happen beside the fake braxton hick contractions I get.

As for now she continues to move around practicing her acrobatic routines....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Any Day Now.....

So this is our first child & we're waiting..... and the most common phrase we hear right now is "anyday now" So anyday now Melynn will make her entrance, until then she continues to move & groove & put her little toes up under my ribs.....very pleasant......let me tell you. I make fun, but I've enjoyed being pregnant & can't wait to meet our little girl. This is me at 36 weeks!

Grandaddy & I comparing profiles